Cycle Count Report

The Cycle Count Report displays everything in inventory at a specific location, with additional information to help identify which items to cycle count.

How to Run the Report

To run the Cycle Count Report, hover over Reporting > Under Inventory Reports, click on Cycle Count Report.   

Clicking on the Cycle Count Report will direct us to the Report page where we can view the HTML version of the report. To perform a cycle count, please download the excel version of the report.

Excel Version

To perform a cycle count, download the excel file by clicking on the "Download" button on the far-right side. Using the excel file allows us to directly note the actual physical quantity of the product present in the warehouse under the Physical QoH column. After the count for products is completed, we can then import the excel file to update the inventory information in OpenBoxes via the Import Inventory function. Please see below how to perform a cycle count using the excel file. 

The excel file has the following columns: 

  1. Product Code (Col A): The product code.
  2. Product Name (Col B): The product name. 
  3. Lot Number (Col C):  The lot number for the counted product. 
  4. Expiration Date (Col D): The expiration date for the product lot number. 
  5. Bin Location (Col E): The bin location for the product. 
  6. OB QoH (Col F): The quantity on hand as present in OpenBoxes.
  7. Physical QOH (Col G): In this column, we can enter the actual quantity of the product as found during our count. This may be different than the OB QoH. 
  8. Comments (Col H): Any comment related to the count
  9. Generic Product, Category, Formularies, ABC Classification, Status, and Last Inventory Date (Columns I-N): These are additional columns that provide information on the products. These are not critical for the inventory import process. 

Columns A-H are critical for Import and the order of the columns must not be changed. After column H, we can add or remove columns as needed without affecting the import. 

How to Perform a Cycle Count using the Excel File

On the excel file, we can use the filter criteria to determine which items we want to count. For example, you could choose to count all items in ABC class "A", or the 25 items that were counted longest ago. Make sure to count all stock for a product at once. If you count certain lots for a product and not others, you may encounter difficulty on import. 

Once you have identified the products that you want to count, delete the other items from the excel file. This is important so that they won't be updated when you re-import the file. As you go through the counts, mark the physical quantity for each lot and bin location combo in the column "Physical QoH". 

To change a lot, expiration date, or bin number, simply update the cell with the new information. To split a quantity between two lots or bins, insert a line and fill in the product code, name, lot, expiry date, bin, and physical QoH - you can leave OB QoH blank. 

Once you are done filling in the results of the count, save a copy. 

A superuser can then import the new values by going to import data in the configuration menu and selecting "inventory." 

To ensure the import works, make sure any product codes or bin locations you update are entered exactly and check for duplicate lines or blanks in the physical QoH column. Do not change the order of columns A-H. You can add or remove columns after H as needed without affecting the import. 

HTML Version

For a quick view of the inventory, we can view the HTML version of the report. In OpenBoxes itself, the report consists of the following columns:

  1. Code: The product code.
  2. Product: The product name. 
  3. Generic product: If the product belongs to a Generic product category, the category will be displayed here. 
  4. Formularies: The formularies that the product belongs to. 
  5. Lot number: The lot number for the product. 
  6. Expiration Date: The expiration date for the product lot number. 
  7. ABC Classification: The classification that the product belongs to.  
  8. Bin Location: The bin location for the product. 
  9. Status: The status of the product, i.e. In stock or Out of Stock. 
  10. Last Inventory Date: The last date that the product inventory was counted.
  11. QoH: The quantity on hand for the product for the mentioned lot number. 
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